moving therapy forward

With traditional EMDR it took me 3 months to clear a trauma completely, with WeMind it takes me only 1-3 sessions

Dr. Ana Ochoa, Licensed Clinical Psychologist, is working 9 months with WeMind. With traditional EMDR it took 3 months, on average, to completely work out a trauma. When she started using WeMind, clients are fully rid of complaints after 1 to 3 sessions.

With normal EMDR sessions it was very frustrating for Ana that it was just really slow and her clients did not feel the progress they were making. They would be going the same targets over and over again. 


“It was very repetitive and boring and it became really frustrating for myself and the client doing the same target over and over again”


People really were turned off by all the hand-movements and did not really get into the therapy. 


“It felt really quirky and odd to my clients, with a sophisticated programme like we WeMind it removed all of that. It made it less repetitive and just more functional for me and my clients”


Now with WeMind therapy goes very fast and people feel the progression. Even in the most difficult cases Ana is now seeing a huge improvement in the succes. 

“Children find talking about sexual molestation very difficult, especially to describe the details”.


Now with WeMind they do not have to face that and are really focussed on performing the tasks in the platform, which dramatically improved the treatment succes.


“We cleared the trauma in 1-2 sessions with children, were before it was really difficult to get them to focus and do something like that”.

What is the difference now with WeMind?

What does WeMind deliver?

Successtory with WeMind

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